Information for Guidance Counsellors
This page contains resources and contact information to help the guidance sector support students into their tertiary degree journey. For more on the history, policy background and governance practices of the NTO, please see our Policy page. Our FAQ page answers common student queries and the Student Financial Support page details funding students can access while studying.
What are tertiary degrees?
Tertiary degrees offer a new way to access a Bachelor or a Bachelor (Hons) undergraduate course. Students start study in a further education institution and then progress, with guaranteed access, to continue their degree in higher education. Tertiary degrees are co-developed and co-delivered by the Education and Training Boards (ETB) and Higher Education Institutions (HEI) to provide seamless progression between further education and higher education. Graduates obtain a level 7 or 8 degree awarded by the HEI.
What kind of students can apply?
Tertiary degree courses are open to all to apply. Entry requirements for tertiary degrees are tailored to each course, to allow students from diverse backgrounds to access the course of their dreams. Ireland’s diverse population has outgrown traditional routes to a degree, and the right moment for access to evolve has arrived. Led by the National Tertiary Office and co-delivered by Higher Education Institutions and the Education and Training Boards, Tertiary Degrees cut through and create change that really matters by enabling progression across and between different institutions.
What is the difference for students between a tertiary degree and applying traditionally for a degree through the points based application process?
Unlike the points based application process tertiary degree entry requirements are not based on leaving certificate points. Entry requirements for tertiary degrees are tailored to each course and detailed on individual course pages at nto.ie/courses and have been developed to facilitate access, widen participation, diversify student population and open new doors.
Entry Requirements may include:
- Specific subject requirements – e.g. a Bachelor of Science degree might require experience of studying science subjects.
- A portfolio of work.
- A personal statement or interview.
- Relevant work experience.
Tertiary Degrees: Application Process
- Application submitted via nto.ie.
- Request for additional applicant details or supporting documents issued if required.
- Invitation for applicant to attend interview / engagement.
- Provisional offer issued.
- Applicant confirmation of acceptance of provisional offer.
- Final confirmed offer issued.
What is the difference between a tertiary degree and the LINKS higher education access schemes?
Tertiary degree, unlike the LINKS scheme is a guaranteed seamless progression route. If required learning outcomes have been achieved, by the at the end of the study time in ETB learners progress to HE without any need to reapply.
Is a tertiary degree the same as a PLC course?
No. Tertiary degrees include embedded awards at NFQ Level 5 / Level 6 but unlike PLC course, tertiary degree is a guaranteed pathway to Level 7/Level 8 degree award. All tertiary learners are registered with HEI and ETB from the day they commence their study.
What supports are available to tertiary students?
All tertiary students have access to:
- Academic, health and wellbeing support on both FET and HEI campuses.
- Libraries, sports and other facilities on both campuses.
- Student clubs and activities on both campuses.
- Visits to the HEI campus while studying at further education, so they know what to expect and are prepared to progress.
Student Financial Supports:
- While studying in further education no tuition or student contribution fees apply.
- While studying in higher education student contribution arrangements apply, and students can apply for the Free Fees Initiative.
- Throughout the duration of their degree students can apply for HE SUSI grants at www.susi.ie. Students must meet the eligibility criteria for the Free Fees and SUSI initiatives.
- Students can apply for all Higher Education bursaries available.
Additional information on funding, FAQ and policy can be found on our website.
Guidance Toolkit:
The National Tertiary Office has developed a Guidance Toolkit which will support guidance professionals in making sure that all up-to-date information about Tertiary Degrees is available to all potential applicants. Toolkit provides a clear and accessible outline of the key tertiary degree features as well as timeline and application guidelines.
- NTO Brochure (PDF)
Brochure is developed for Guidance professionals and includes information about tertiary degrees, key features and application process. - NTO Flier (PDF)
Flier is developed for students and potential applicants and includes key features as well as links to relevant website information pages. - Presentation for introducing tertiary degrees to students (PDF)
Presentation is for Guidance professionals to assist with student engagement to raise awareness of the Tertiary Pathway. - Tertiary Application Timeline (PDF)
To inform students and guidance professionals of the Tertiary Degree application timeline. - Applicants Guidelines: How to write a personal statement, How to prepare for an interview (PDF)
To assist students with the Tertiary Degree Application process. - NTO Video
Presents key features of the Tertiary Degrees in a short information graphic video.
All resources can be downloaded directly from the website. You can also request a copy of the Guidance toolkit by emailing info@nto.ie
How Guidance can help students:
- Remain up-to-date with tertiary degree offering at nto.ie/courses – new courses may be added throughout the year.
- Inform students about tertiary degrees, the application process and how it differs from traditional applications based on points.
- Inform students about the support documents such as portfolios, personal statements, interviews or engagements.
- Inform students of the value of embedded awards. This feature is not found in other degree programmes and is designed to meet the actual realities of study in contemporary Ireland, including a high drop-out rate, often due to non-academic factors such as student housing, financial requirements and personal life challenges
Tertiary Guidance Toolkit Presentation for Guidance Counsellors November 2024
Please access the Presentation here
Please see recording of the Webinar below