Below you’ll find answers to the most common questions we get asked about Tertiary Degrees. If you can’t find the answer you’re looking for, contact us directly: info@nto.ie
Tertiary Degree Overview
A Tertiary Degree is a new pathway from Further Education and Training with seamless progression into Higher Education to earn an undergraduate degree.
Students can start studying in a local Education and Training Board and graduate from a Higher Education Institution with the dual benefits of both campuses throughout.
All Tertiary Degree programmes lead to an NFQ level 7 (Bachelors) or level 8 (Bachelor Hons) degree. Each course details the qualification you will receive including embedded awards.
Colleges and Courses
There are currently over 40 courses available for 2025/26 in Business, ICT, Arts, Engineering, Social Sciences, Early Learning & Care, Agricultural Science, Politics, Sport, Media Manufacturing & Construction and Health & Welfare. A full list of current courses is available on our Courses page. Courses are expected to expand each year and will be listed here when applications open.
A free service is provided through the ETB Adult Educational Guidance and Information Service offering impartial and confidential information, advice, guidance, and counselling on the educational options that are available to you, including the tertiary programmes.
There are currently 14 Education Training Boards across 19 locations that you can start tertiary degree studies at. Each Education Training Board partners with a Higher Education Institution, who are providing tertiary degrees at 11 campuses. In the future, more tertiary degrees will be developed throughout the country and in the Dublin area.
Yes. From day one of starting a Tertiary Degree, students are registered at both the ETB and the partnered HEI. This provides the student with a student card and access to dual supports and services including libraries, sports, and other campus facilities as well as academic, health and wellbeing supports.
The current iteration of this degree is a 5-year course that incorporates a PLC year. All students must join the course in year one, it is not designed for students who complete a PLC course elsewhere to join in year 2. You can however, complete a PLC course and seek entry via the links programme to any of the Higher Education Institutions, but you should read the entry requirements for all degree courses including the tertiary degree programme before you make that decision.
At present, all the Tertiary Degrees involve in-person teaching and learning and no courses can be taught fully remote.
Entry and Application
Applying for a Tertiary Degree is simple:
- You can apply directly through the Courses information page of our website.
- Alternatively, you can get in touch with the appropriate contact person detailed in the course information section.
- If you have any difficulties with any of the above routes, please contact the ETB Adult Education Guidance and Information Service.
Each tertiary degree has different entry requirements. The entry requirements are at the bottom of each individual Course page.
Students may need to submit proof of achievement in other learning, such as certain subjects in the Leaving Certificate or LCA, to meet the entry requirements for the course. Mature students aged 23 or over may have different entry requirements. For some courses, applicants need to submit additional documentation and/or participate in an interview or submit a portfolio.
You do not need the same leaving certificate points. Each course programme will have different entry requirements where students may be required to submit proof from other agencies to show you are eligible and meet the entry requirements for the course you are applying for. The course provider will be able to advise you of any additional paperwork which is required for your application. The contact details can be found in the Courses page.
The Tertiary Degree provides guaranteed access (subject to passing exams) to a degree programme that starts in further education and concludes in higher education. Also, you do not need to apply through the CAO for a tertiary degree course.
Applications for 2025/26 will be accepted through the Courses page from 1st February and will close late September 2025.
Once you have submitted your application, you will receive an auto-reply to the email address utilized confirming that the application has been received. The ETB will commence processing your application once it has been received. They will maintain contact with you through the email address provided with your application. It is important to monitor this email address to receive any updates.
Each student who commences a course will be required to complete a learner detail form. This is to enable us to register you for the course and allows us to access funding to run our courses. More details on completing the learner detail form can be found in the video as an example https://youtu.be/FRglQafn-v0
Students will need to register after receiving confirmation of their course place. Your course provider will share the details of this process with you directly.
People of school-leaving age and mature students can apply. Each course details the entry requirements for the Tertiary Degree offered. Should you require additional information regarding entry requirements, please contact the tertiary manager as detailed on the course details page.
Non-EU citizens, who are not in the international protection system, but have permission to reside in Ireland unrelated to their student status (such as Stamp 4 visa holders) would be eligible to apply for the programmes but would not be eligible for free fees. They would therefore be liable to pay tuition fees for the FET portion of the programme, and fees (as determined by the individual HEI) per year of the HE portion.
Student Support
Recognising that affordability can be a barrier to obtaining a degree, the Tertiary Degree Pathway offers multiple streams of financial support to assist students. Full details for students pursuing a Tertiary Degree can be found on our Student Financial Support page.
Prospective students are encouraged to contact the local Tertiary Manager managing the course you are interested in at local level. You can also get in touch with the Education and Training Boards Guidance and Information Service as they will be able to provide you with details of all provision within your area. A full list of these services can be found here Contact a local Adult Guidance Service – ETBI
If you have a diagnosed disability and/or specific needs, we have a range of supports catering to your requirements. Additional supports, such as adaptive technologies (e.g., screen reading software), suitable furniture, equipment or devices, and adjustments to examinations, can also be provided. This is facilitated by, for example, allowing extra time or providing a reader, scribe, or interpreter service based on your needs assessment
It is important that your ETB and HEI know about your needs relating to your disability at the time of course selection/recruitment in order to facilitate a discussion about which supports are most suitable to your needs. It will also assist us in providing any additional supports that are needed. If your circumstances have changed since joining the Tertiary Degree, please Contact a local Adult Guidance Service – ETBI for help and advice.
There are no tuition fees or student contribution fees for the duration of the education delivered by the ETB. The Free Fees Initiative and student contribution arrangements will apply to the duration of tuition delivered by the Higher Education Institutions on the Tertiary Degree. Students will have to meet eligibility criteria of the Free Fees Initiative while undertaking the higher education part of programme, otherwise the standard student contribution arrangements will apply. Full details for students pursuing a Tertiary Degree can be found on our Student Financial Support page.