Bachelor of Business

The Bachelor of Business is a three-year degree that provides students with specialised knowledge across a wide range of business areas. The degree focuses on developing student knowledge in critical areas of business studies in conjunction with developing interpersonal and communication skills that are necessary in today’s business environment.
Students who graduate with a Bachelor of Business degree will have a range of skills and competencies that will allow them to make a meaningful contribution in the workplace.
Provider Locations and Structure
Year 1: Learners will undertake their studies in Dungarvan College of Further Education and Training (WWETB)
Years 2& 3: Learners will undertake their studies in SETU (South East Technical University) Waterford Campus.
Course Content – For All Years
Year 1
- Personal, Professional and Academic Skills 1&2
- Maths for Business
- Fundamentals of Accounting 1&2
- Introductory Microeconomics
- Introduction to Macroeconomics
- Management
- Introduction to Organisational Behaviour
- Statistics for Business
Year 2
- Enterprise Skills
- Fundamentals of Marketing
- Introduction to Human Resource Management
- Introductory Microeconomics 2
- Law 1
- Management Accounting 1&2
- Human Resource Management in Practice
- Marketing Mix Decisions
- Spreadsheets and Databases
- Macroeconomics for Business
- Mananging Human Resources 2
- Marketing Mix Decisions
- Spreadsheets and Databases
Choose one of the following electives:
* Business Law
* Employability Skills
Year 3
- Business Ethics and Contemporary Management
- Financial Planning for Business Managers
- Economics for Business Managers
- Digital Marketing and Social MediaChoose Either:
*New Business Design & Applied Work, Life and Professional Skills
*Work Placement
Accreditation and Step Back Awards
This tertiary degree is a comprehensive 3 year programme. The programme is designed to support academic success despite challenges that may arise. If a student has to leave the programme before completing the final year, tertiary degrees include embedded awards. Embedded awards formally recognise learning achieved during time in the programme. For this degree, the embedded awards are:
After successfully completing Year 1 | Students will receive a SETU Certificate in Business (Component Award) |
After successfully completing Year 2 | Students will receive the SETU Higher Certificate in Business Level 6, 120 ECTS Credits |
After successfully completing Year 3 | Students will receive the SETU Bachelor of Business, Level 7, 180 ECTS Credits |
The final NFQ level 7 Bachelor of Business is awarded by SETU.
Planned Intake (Number of Places)
20 places
Entry Requirements and Eligibility
Prospective learners wishing to be accepted onto the programme must meet the following minimum entry criteria:
Leaving Certificate;
- 2H5 & 4O6/H7;
- English or Irish O6/H7;
- Mathematics O6/H7
or - Level 5 major award
or - Other qualifications equivalent to a major award at level 5 on the NFQ
For applicants whose first language is not English, the standard required of applicants is B2 (or equivalent) on Common European Framework of Reference CEFR for languages in writing, reading, listening and speaking. Evidence of achievement of this standard is necessary for entry to the programme.
Applications are welcome from individuals that do not meet the minimum entry requirement who are aged 23 years or over (at date of commencement of programme). Such an applicant will be assessed on their merits, taking into account their life experience, work or community experience, and recognition of
prior learning.
Our Unified Tertiary Programmes aim to encourage the participation and success of students from sections of society under-represented in higher education, by offering degree programmes at a local level. In the event of over subscription to the programmes, priority will be given to applicants who most demonstrate local need.
Onward Pathways
Graduates of the Bachelor of Business will find work in:
- Trainee Management
- Junior Management in any of the main business functions and across all industry and services sectors
- business functions and across all industry and services sectors
Follow on Study for Business graduates:
Completion of this course entitles students to the following professional body exemptions:
Examinations F1, F2, and F3 of the professional examinations of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA).
Examinations C01 to C05 inclusive of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA).
Honours degree courses within the School of Business, in particular:
WD048 – Bachelor of Business (Hons)
Special Features
The applied nature of the course means you can undertake tasks and assignments similar to those worked on in industry and commerce.
Completion of this course entitles students to the following professional body exemptions:
Examinations F1, F2, and F3 of the professional examinations of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA)
Examinations C01 to C05 inclusive of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA)
Contact Details
Alan O’Gorman
M: 086 8532819
Sarah Sartori
M: 0862005786